Our marriage will take place at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. Jim has been a lifetime member of Our Lady of Lourdes and Ceci has been a member since her family moved to Vancouver from Colorado in 1991.

Celebrating the Mass: Father Michael Radermacher

Concelebrating: Father John Ludvik and Father Joseph O’Shea

Proclamation of the Gospel and Homily: Father John Ludvik

Papal Blessing: Pope Benedict XVI (administered by Father Michael Radermacher)

Wedding Party

Bride: Ceci Hildebrand

Maid of Honor: Suzie Spencer

Bridesmaids: Andrea Hildebrand, Jennifer Hildebrand, Katie Thomas, Tori Wadzita

Groom: Jim Mains

Best men: James Blind, Adam Pithan, John Wambach, Brian Westbrook, Chris Williams

Wedding Program (305K)
Wedding Program

The Ceremony

  • Prelude
  • Seating of the Families
  • Entrance Rite
    • Entrance of the Bride
    • Opening Prayer read by Father Michael Radermacher 
  • Liturgy of the Word
    • First Reading, Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 read by Tim Shamrell
    • Responsorial Psalm, Psalm 128 - “Blessed are those who fear the Lord.” 
    • Second Reading, 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13 read by John Williams 
    • Gospel Acclamation, "Alleluia"
    • Gospel Reading, Matthew 6:25-34 read by Father John Ludvik
    • Homily by Father John Ludvik
  • Rite of Marriage
    • Performed by Father Michael Radermacher
    • Exchange of Vows
    • Blessing and Exchange of Rings
      A circle is the symbol of wholeness, perfection, and unity. Like circles, their rings have no beginning and no end. They are tokens of the growing relationship that Cecilia and Jim have come here to celebrate and confirm.
    • Prayers of the Faithful read by Dennis Zoet 
  • Eucharistic Prayer
    • Preparation of the Gifts - “You Are Mine”
    • The Lord's Prayer
    • Communion Song -  “Behold the Lamb”
    • Meditation Song performed by Randy Webber

“Thank you to all of those that helped make this a beautiful day to remember.”